Growing Natives Garden Tour 2013

Lyon Avenue Garden (4 photos)

Garden #2, Belmont


Showcase Features: This one-of-a-kind garden showcases three mature oaks that appear to grow out of 15 feet boulders. In reality, a small paradise of shade-loving native plants has been established under the oaks. Low-growing currents, California fescue, and hummingbird sage add color and visual interest without requiring irrigation that might damage the trees. Closer to the house, a row of deer grass above a stone wall gives a polished, almost formal feeling that contrasts with the wildness of the trees.

Other Garden Attractions: Visitors who go through the garden gate find themselves in a patio-sized garden in which a planter salvias, low-growing manzanita, monkey flower, native grasses, and island snapdragon surrounds the seating area. A climbing Roger's Red grape and non-native clematis add more color.

Gardening for Wildlife: The oaks attract many creatures, large and small, especially birds and deer. The plants were selected to be unattractive to deer (salvias) or tolerate some browsing.

Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 1

Garden Size: 2000 sq ft

Designer: Stephanie Curtis, Curtis Horticulture
Installer: Stephanie Curtis, Curtis Horticulture

Plant list: In preparation, will be linked later...

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