Growing Natives Garden Tour 2017
Quintana Front Yard (5 photos)
Garden #11, Palo Alto
Showcase Features: This small urban front yard provides a home to plants with distinct habitat requirements: several clumps of shade-tolerant bunch grasses are thriving near the northeast side of the house which remains shaded most of the time. Salvias are planted as a transition to the more sunny area of the front yard, where a dry creek is a border between the lush greenery to a more desert-like habitat, populated with succulents. A berm with several manzanitas will become a focal point in the future.
Other Garden Attractions: The dry creek is the lowest part of the front yard; several sedges planted in its middle will enjoy the run-off from the rains.
☺ Garden Talk: 11 AM and 1:30 PM: "Water - Slow it, Soak it" - a talk by Rebecca Schoenenberger.
Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 2
Garden Size: 435 sq.ft
Designer: Rebecca Schoenenberger, California Nativescapes
Installer: California Nativescapes
Plant list: In preparation, will be linked later...
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