Growing Natives Garden Tour 2014

Wolfe Road Garden (8 photos)

Garden #24, Sunnyvale


Showcase Features: If you are looking for a garden that conserves water, welcomes admiring neighbors, and invites feathered friends and beneficial insects, come visit this garden for ideas. This designer's demonstration garden is also a 'sand box' to experiment concepts of sustainability. The strong prominence of native plants, along with some drought tolerant herbs and fruit trees are showcased here. The front lawn has been replaced (in 2006) with sun-loving sages and wildflowers. This winter, the existing back lawn has been reseeded with Yarrow and Red Fescue. Visitors to the garden will be able to see the results of this experiment.

Other Garden Attractions: Tree Ceanothuses, Redbud, Black and Purple Sages, Coffee Berry, Garria, Manzanitas, St. Catherine's Lace, Spice Bush, and Yuccas gives structure to the landscape. Coyote Brush, Groundcover Sages and Ceanothuses, Coyote Mint, Monkey Flowers and Meadow planting of native grasses, Douglas Irises, California Poppies, Blue Flax, Gillias and other wildflowers highlight the landscape. The garden also has two vegetable boxes, fruit trees, Grape Vines, a Trex (recycled plastic) deck, and an area for composting. The garden design respects the micro-climatic conditions of the site by arranging plants that have similar needs. For example, plants from the riparian and redwood plant communities have been planted in shady areas that get frequent water while shady dry areas were planted with oak woodland plants and the sunny dry areas with chaparral plants.

Gardening for Wildlife: Habitats are encouraged by providing food, water, and nesting sites in the garden. Leaf and twig piles and layered plantings of dense shrubs and trees provide shelter. A wide variety of local native plants provides nectar and food. The garden is designed with a bird bath and a simple fountain to provide fresh water.

Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 12

Garden Size: 4000 sq ft

Designer: AFLA Landscape Architecture - Ashini Fernando
Installer: Ashini Fernando with help of Benz's Landscaping and Tree Care - Benz Godinez

Click here to download the plant list in PDF format (from year 2010).

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