Growing Natives Garden Tour 2015
Evans Demonstration Garden (4 photos from 2006)
Garden #15, Los Altos
Showcase Features: This is the home garden of landscape designer Patricia Evans, used for demonstration and testing of native plants for use in landscaping. The garden has evolved since it was last on tour several years ago to include those species that have survived a measure of neglect and drought. It now includes over 200 species of native plants, including Penstemons, Buckwheats, Salvias, Lupines, Currents, and Ceanothus as well as native grasses, bulbs and wildflowers. All native plants are labeled.
Other Garden Attractions: Plants are grouped by community and separate areas are set aside for collections of non-native roses and iris. Thirteen years ago the front lawn was removed and stacked upside down with newspapers and tree mulch on top to create a chaparral berm and native meadow area. This saved time, energy and money compared to hauling the lawn way, and also created excellent drainage that is preferred by many chaparral plants. Irrigation in the chaparral areas is by hand, only on plants being newly established, once a month during the summer. Under a large Saucer Magnolia in the back garden, a Redwood plant community has been established, and various native ground covers have spread to cover the soil. Other areas have riparian and oak woodland plants. The far back yard features a vegetable garden, berry bushes, 20 fruit trees and a compost bin. Native fruits are Blue Elderberry and Western Serviceberry.
Gardening for Wildlife: Goldfinches, house sparrows, towhees, nuthatches, hummers, salamanders, mice, mason bees and lots of buzzing insects visit this garden. A birdbath provides water and birds nest most years in the lath house or on the back porch.
☺ Garden Talk: The owner will lead a guided walk through the garden at 10, 12 and 2 pm. Topics discussed include native meadows, the effects of the drought, composting and propagation of natives.
Years of CA Native Gardening at this Location: 15
Garden Size: 14,500 sq ft
Designer: Patricia Evans
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