What are the tour guidelines?

The guidelines below are designed to ensure that the tour will be enjoyed by everyone participating in it: visitors, garden owners, and volunteers.

Please review them carefully.

  1. A hat, sunscreen, water, and comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Tour day is often sunny and warm.

  2. Gardens open at 10:00 am and close at 4:00 pm.

  3. Street parking is limited; carpool, if you can, and be prepared to walk a short distance to each garden, or move on to another garden.

  4. Sign the guestbook.

  5. Bring a camera. Ask the docent or the owner before taking any photos.

  6. Gardens may not have chairs or benches; be prepared to stand and walk.

  7. Do not clip or injure the plants in any way.

  8. Stay on marked paths to enjoy the plants.

  9. Please respect the owners' privacy. Come only on the day of the tour. Note that houses are not included in the tour.

  10. Plan a lunch break and pit stops. Restrooms will not be available.

  11. Take only one copy of any available handout.

  12. Turn off your cell phone or set it to vibrate only.

  13. Smoking is strictly forbidden.

  14. No strollers, pets, food, or litter, please.

  15. Children must be supervised at all times.